Retromash Home - page 44

Harley Davidson: A By-The-Decade Glimpse At The Most Iconic Motorcycle Brand in the World

Harley Davidson: A By-The-Decade Glimpse At The Most Iconic Motorcycle Brand in the World

Renowned American actor Robert Patrick who has starred in a number of nineties classics including Die Hard 2 and Wayne’s World, once said: “You don’t buy a Harley with your mind, you buy it with your heart and your balls.” Throughout time, Harley Davidson has been…

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The Turbo-Charged Prelude to 2 Fast 2 Furious

The Turbo-Charged Prelude to 2 Fast 2 Furious

I just rewatched and reviewed The Fast and the Furious. I’m not watching 2 Fast 2 Furious as my next movie in my rewatch of the Fast and Furious movies, however, because next on the chronological list is the Turbo-Charged Prelude short film. I never…

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My Top 5 Dream Cars

My Top 5 Dream Cars

I’ve never been a massive petrol head but I certainly appreciate a fine automobile. I often fantasise about what sort of things I would buy if I suddenly came into money. If you didn’t have to work and you could spend stupid amounts of money…

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The Fast and the Furious

The Fast and the Furious

After my previous posts about how I’m watching the Fast and Furious series, and also the differences and similarities between Point Break and The Fast and the Furious, I’m finally actually starting the series itself. My re-journey into the ‘Fast and Furiverse’ begins. As I…

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5 Iconic Roles in Hollywood Movies

5 Iconic Roles in Hollywood Movies

You leave the movie theatre walking like him, talking like him, and wanting to be him. Save the world. Get the girl. We all have had this experience—encountering a movie character so heroic and stylish that you want to emulate their every move. As Hollywood…

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The Similarities and Differences between Point Break and The Fast and The Furious

The Similarities and Differences between Point Break and The Fast and The Furious

In my last post I explained how I was going to rewatch the Fast and Furious franchise and that I’m starting it all off by watching Point Break, as I feel it is not just a the inspiration for The Fast and the Furious but…

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This is how I’m rewatching the full Fast & Furious movie series

This is how I’m rewatching the full Fast & Furious movie series

I’ve always enjoyed the Fast and Furious franchise, pretty much all the way through, but even more so after it transitioned into the huge action heist movies that they have become today. After I watched Fast 5 I vowed that I would do a full…

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Top Ten Nostalgia Songs

Top Ten Nostalgia Songs

I obviously quite like nostalgia. I run an 80s nostalgia website after all. I love when I get that warm, fuzzy feeling of nostalgia whenever something triggers a memory from my childhood. They say music and smells are the biggest triggers of memory. I will…

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How 1950s Vegas still lives on today

How 1950s Vegas still lives on today

Las Vegas for many people is a place that isn’t just about gambling but it also an intriguing mix of retro old school culture and modern day entertainment. From the days of the rat pack, to modern day gaming and huge shows and events. The…

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3 Reasons Why Ham Radio Can Be a Cool Hobby in 2019

3 Reasons Why Ham Radio Can Be a Cool Hobby in 2019

I’ve always been intrigued by ham radios over the years. I’ve never used one and never know anyone who had one, but I’ve always enjoyed seeing them in movies and TV shows for years. Notable appearances that I can remember include seeing ham radios in…

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