Retromash Home - page 55

Watching Netflix’s Hip Hop Evolution & The Get Down

Watching Netflix’s Hip Hop Evolution & The Get Down

I’ve always been a big fan of Hip Hop throughout the years, but like a lot of my ‘jack of all trades’ interests I’ve never had much in-depth knowledge in terms of the history of how the scene really began. I just know what I…

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Did Michael Jackson use Jaws music for Heal the World?

Did Michael Jackson use Jaws music for Heal the World?

A few days ago I was re-watching the BBC Proms special John Williams concert that I had recorded a few months earlier. During the orchestra’s rendition of Jaws I noticed something familiar. A sequence of notes that I had never associated with Jaws before, and…

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Astro City arcade in Southend is a great place to hire for parties, old and young

Astro City arcade in Southend is a great place to hire for parties, old and young

From a retrogaming perspective I’m pretty lucky to live in Southend-on-Sea, as we have several retro associated venues in town. One fantastic one is Astro City which is located right on Southend High Street. It’s an arcade, with lots of games and machines, retro and…

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How I met Keith Harmer, the artist behind the amazing 80s Lamborghini Countach poster

How I met Keith Harmer, the artist behind the amazing 80s Lamborghini Countach poster

You may have read my recent blog post about The Hunt For This Amazing Lamborghini Countach Poster. Well, the story continues. I’ve since met the artist himself, managed to get the poster signed and also received another surprise! Read on. First of all a quick…

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The Rituals That Kept Successful 1980s Athletes (Or So They Thought) At the Top of Their Game

The Rituals That Kept Successful 1980s Athletes (Or So They Thought) At the Top of Their Game

Studies have shown that uncertainty breeds superstition and athletes especially are known for this. All over the world, athletes practice habits and rituals (or unusual superstitions) that they believe will put them in a better position to win every time. Many iconic 80s athletes were…

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If you’re anywhere near Essex make sure you get to visit The Retrohunter’s shop

If you’re anywhere near Essex make sure you get to visit The Retrohunter’s shop

Many of you may already know of Ally Hogg, aka @TheRetroHunter, from Twitter. I’m proud to call him a close friend, after we first met a few years back during a Retro Asylum £20 Carboot Challenge involving Andy Godoy, Dean Swain and Paul Davies. We…

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I contributed photos to the new “Ultimate Retro Collection” bookazine

I contributed photos to the new “Ultimate Retro Collection” bookazine

I’m a big fan of Future Publishing and Imagine Publishing’s magazines and bookazines (Future recently acquired Imagine, so it’s now all under the Future umbrella). So I was very proud to be asked to contribute to Future’s latest bookazine “The Ultimate Retro Collection”. This bookazine…

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GnR Week – Top Ten Guns N’ Roses Songs

GnR Week – Top Ten Guns N’ Roses Songs

So here we are. We’ve reached the end of #GnRWeek. I’ve listened to albums, read books, watched documentaries and then seen my favourite band live for the first ever time. All things need to come to an end though, and I’ll end the week here…

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GnR Week – Guns N’ Roses Tour 2017 London Review

GnR Week – Guns N’ Roses Tour 2017 London Review

So, it happened. I went to a Guns N’ Roses gig. This was the whole reason I have been doing #GnRWeek, to build up some excitement for myself around the gig. I saw them live on Friday night. But let’s backtrack… When I was 16…

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Guns N’ Roses Week – The Movie

Guns N’ Roses Week – The Movie

While I was reading all the GnR books for #GnRWeek I was thinking to myself how the origins of the band would make such a great movie. How the members all meet up. Living together in a crappy apartment on sunset strip. Playing early gigs….

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