Retromash Home - page 46

Some of our most addictive retro games

Some of our most addictive retro games

The gaming world has witnessed a massive transformation in the last few decades. From the 1980s arcade gaming and old console era, we now have ultra-high resolution and interactive video games. Technology in the gaming sector has extended beyond upgraded hardware to other modern gaming…

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My thoughts on Captain Marvel

My thoughts on Captain Marvel

I saw Captain Marvel a few days ago and I just wanted to get my thoughts down on the blog while they were still fresh. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought it had tonnes of charm, was extremely well made, great characters, great time…

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Finding the Space to Showcase Your Inner Geek

Finding the Space to Showcase Your Inner Geek

As more advanced technology makes video games more complex and realistic than never before, it’s fascinating that the previously niche market of retro gamers continues to grow in popularity. This love for old school games is so prevalent that Nintendo recently re-released one of its…

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Seeing five retro tribute bands in three months

Seeing five retro tribute bands in three months

I do love a good tribute band. First of all I love their clever, often amusing, names, such as Red Not Chili Peppers, Noasis, Oasish, U3, Faux Fighters, Bon Giovi, etc. But often you come across a tribute band who are not only a really…

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The coolest retro themes for slot games

The coolest retro themes for slot games

Slot games have been around for a while, around 100 years as of now, and in that time, there has been a theme based on just about every property under the sun. Just check out some of the titles available at a site like Paddy…

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Is Sensible World of Soccer the Greatest Football Game of all Time?

Is Sensible World of Soccer the Greatest Football Game of all Time?

Electronic Arts’ FIFA series and Konami’s Pro Evolution Soccer are the two giants of the footballing video game world these days, and there’s no denying the brilliance of both franchises. The problem is, with each annual release tweaking the gameplay and options slightly it becomes…

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What makes a good Christmas movie? My thoughts on Die Hard and others

What makes a good Christmas movie? My thoughts on Die Hard and others

A pretty big ongoing online debate round about Christmas time is whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas film. For me personally, it just depends on your definition of ‘Christmas film’. If you classify ‘Christmas film’ as any film that is set at Christmas,…

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Is retro nostalgia the secret of online gaming?

Is retro nostalgia the secret of online gaming?

Remember the days before the internet? When most people thought you were strange if you were into collecting old retro gear? Yeah, us too. Nobody really knew how big the market for retro was back then. Not many people  appreciated the value of keeping old…

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My thoughts on Bohemian Rhapsody viewed on Screen X technology

My thoughts on Bohemian Rhapsody viewed on Screen X technology

Queen were a big part of my childhood. I’m going to be doing a Top Ten list of my most nostalgic songs soon and I can reveal that Radio Ga Ga is very high up on that list. I had that song on vinyl single…

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6 Ways Our Computer Habits Looked Different Two Decades Ago

6 Ways Our Computer Habits Looked Different Two Decades Ago

The rise of technology is playing an important role in our lives these days. It seems that no one can function without computers, smartphones, or tablets. From today’s point of view, it is unimaginable how everyone managed to survive and any work was completed 20…

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