M.A.S.K. poster

Owned by: Retromash     Photography by: Retromash

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Transformers 1985 leaflet

This is a cool leaflet from 1985 depicting a good range of Autobot Transformer toys on one side and Decepticons on the other side. Great picture of Jetfire.

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Weetabix club leaflet

I was a big fan of the Neet Weet Gang characters and was a loyal member of the Weetabix. I remember loving this leaflet which came with your Weetabix club membership. I had the lunch box but I also really wanted the radio and sports…

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He-Man spread

This is a double page Masters of the Universe spread from an unknown UK catalogue. The brochure is about A5 size so the double page spread is A4. Judging by the toys on sale it might be around 1983 or 1984.

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Transformers Hound booklet

This is the instructions booklet from a G1 Transformers Hound figure. Hound, Sideswipe and Optimus Prime were my favourite Autobots so it was great to find this Hound booklet on eBay.

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Raleigh Vektar brochure

A4 brochure for the amazing Raleigh Vektar BMX. Judging by the fashion of the children I’m guessing it’s from the UK!

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Return of the Jedi 77 card back

This Star Wars card back is from Return of the Jedi and is one with 77 figures on the back. This particular one is from a Klaatu (in Skiff Guard Outfit) figure. I love these card backs where you can see all the rest of…

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Tomy Games leaflet

Great Tomy Games leaflet here with some classic games like Waterfuls, Kong Man, Screwball Scramble, Pocketeers, Super Cup Football and Turnin’ Turbo Dashboard. Quite a small leaflet when folded up. About 6cm wide.

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Weetabix Choose ad

One page Weetabix advert, probably from the mid 80s, from an unknown A4-ish size comic. This particular one is a Choose Your Own Adventure tie-in. I loved these Weetabiz Neet Weet Gang cartoons!

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Weetabix BMX ad

Great, one page Weetabix advert, probably from the mid 80s, from an unknown A4-ish size comic. Starring the awesome Neet Weet Gang. This particular one is a BMX tie-in which makes it even more cool.

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