Retromash Home - page 77

The extremely cool Marvel Super Heroes card game

The extremely cool Marvel Super Heroes card game

I used to love playing card games like Top Trumps etc. This pack wasn’t an official Top Trumps pack but it was my favourite of the lot. I was always a fan of Marvel comics and the artwork on these cards is fantastic. The game…

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Awesome leaflet filled with 80s Weetabix Neet Weet Gang memorabilia

Awesome leaflet filled with 80s Weetabix Neet Weet Gang memorabilia

Who remembers the Neet Weet Gang? They were the mascots for Weetabix in the UK during the 80s. These guys were great. I’ll do a full review of them with links to TV ads etc at some point in the future, but for now feast…

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You have to check out these Awesome 80s Bedrooms posts by Shawn Robare

You have to check out these Awesome 80s Bedrooms posts by Shawn Robare

A lot of you may already be aware of these awesome posts, but a new one was posted yesterday so I thought I would just write a quick piece about how great they are in case you hadn’t seen them. Shawn Robare is becoming a…

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Great full page dedicated to M.A.S.K. from the 1986 Argos catalogue

Great full page dedicated to M.A.S.K. from the 1986 Argos catalogue

Feel like a M.A.S.K. fix today? Look no further. I love this full page diorama of most of the early M.A.S.K. toy range from the 1986 Autumn / Winter Argos catalogue. They obviously put a reasonable amount of effort into these dioramas, and it pays…

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Top Ten 80s Actors

Top Ten 80s Actors

This Top Ten list was incredibly hard. So many great actors from so many great movies to choose from. I’ve tried to keep it to the 80s although to be honest some of the movies mentioned are from 1 or 2 years either side. Basically…

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Masters of the Universe Panini sticker album

Masters of the Universe Panini sticker album

Panini sticker albums were a huge part of my childhood. I had this Masters of the Universe one as a child but I never managed to complete it and I didn’t hold on to it. I picked this complete one off eBay and it’s all…

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Very cool Transformers toy leaflet from 1985

Very cool Transformers toy leaflet from 1985

I love old toy leaflets like these. Check out all the G1 Transformers on display here. Autobots on the front and Decepticons on the back. Just take a look at the size of that Jetfire! You can see other cool leaflets like this in the…

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These arcade machine photographs are absolutely gorgeous

These arcade machine photographs are absolutely gorgeous

I recently stumbled across this incredible series of art photographs by Danny Passarella of arcade machines. Just check them out. They’re absolutely beautiful. The pics below are just screenshots from his website but if you have some cash to splash you can purchase prints from…

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Awesome collection of 70s toys in this 1982 Argos catalogue

Awesome collection of 70s toys in this 1982 Argos catalogue

What a collection of 70s franchises here in this page from the 1982 Spring Argos catalogue. You’ve got CHiPs, The Professionals, Buck Rogers, Action Man and Star Wars. Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer is a pretty weird toy actually isn’t it? I always wanted one of…

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Celebrate Valentine’s Day with this fabulous My Little Pony Argos spread from 1986

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with this fabulous My Little Pony Argos spread from 1986

All you retro girls (and Bronies) out there can enjoy this trip down My Little Pony lane with this awesome double page spread from the 1986 Autumn/Winter Argos catalogue. And all you guys out there in relationships can give your loved one a blast from…

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