Retromash Home - page 75

Top Ten – Cartoon Villains

Top Ten – Cartoon Villains

We all love our cartoons from the 80s but what would these cartoons be without villains? How can you have goodies without any baddies? Here is my own personal rundown of the meanest, scariest, terribliest villains from the cartoons that we’ve loved over the years….

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Marvel announces Phase Three movies

Marvel announces Phase Three movies

Today Marvel announced a plethora of new movies for Phase Three of their cinematic universe. Some had been hinted at, some were already set in stone, some were new. All of them are pretty darn exciting. Inhumans – this is another one that really excites…

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Possibly my favourite magazine of all time

Possibly my favourite magazine of all time

I love magazines. There’s just something about them that I love. It’s a medium which gives you a glossy interface into a niche interest which, when done well, can feel like you’re enjoying a conversation with like-minded friends. Your Sinclair is probably my all time…

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Argos catalogues from the 70s, 80s and 90s

Argos catalogues from the 70s, 80s and 90s

Big news today… I’ve uploaded all the PDFs I have in my Argos catalogue collection. Like most people, I get that warm fuzzy feeling when you think back to Christmases past and all the exciting presents you got. For me, one of the big parts…

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G.I. Joe v Action Force

G.I. Joe v Action Force

This is my first blog post as a part of the League of Extraordinary Bloggers. Check out the original post for this week. The theme this week is ‘Yo Joe!’. I’ve had a strange history with G.I. Joe to be honest. I know it’s massive…

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There Can Only Be One

There Can Only Be One

The guys from The Atomic Geeks Podcast this week released their fourth instalment of There Can Only Be One. They are given two items/properties/people etc and they have to choose which one stays and which one gets wiped from existence. There are some pretty interesting…

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The Ultimate Warrior

The Ultimate Warrior

I’m writing this only about an hour after hearing that The Ultimate Warrior has passed away. I’m still in shock. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame only 4 days ago and appeared on Monday Night Raw, speaking on the microphone in the…

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Top Ten – Arnie Films

Top Ten – Arnie Films

Arnold Schwarzenegger was definitely one of the biggest movie stars of the 80s. His early films are synonymous with awesome 80s action-fests including 6 great films in only 4 years between 1984 and 1988 including The Terminator, Predator, Commando and Running Man. Below is my…

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Welcome to the Retromash blog

Welcome to the Retromash blog

Welcome everybody to the Retromash website. I first thought about making this Retromash site about 5 years ago in 2009. I’ve been slowly building up my archive of lists and retro objects since then and now I have managed to build the site too. You…

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