Retromash Home - page 75

My review of Mad Max: Fury Road

My review of Mad Max: Fury Road

I’m writing this review with some hesitancy because pretty much everyone else I know loved this movie, critics are gushing about it and Rotten Tomatoes has given it a 98% score. I didn’t quite have the same experience, however, and I feel a bit awkward…

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My review of Avengers: Age of Ultron

My review of Avengers: Age of Ultron

Not so much a movie review, but more a random list of points from my stream of consciousness after seeing it earlier this week. It goes without saying that there are A LOT OF SPOILERS in this post. So please DO NOT READ this post…

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Return of the Jedi card back

Return of the Jedi card back

I’m a huge fan of card art and packaging (as you can probably tell from my Ephemera page). I’ve also always loved leaflets or brochures that show the whole range of things like action figures. That’s why I’ve got a real soft spot for the…

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Top Ten Joysticks

Top Ten Joysticks

I find it funny that joysticks are kind of a relic of the past now. Kids these days don’t seem to even know what they are. Nowadays you mostly have things like gamepads, joypads, Wii controllers, touch screens and even gesture control, but you only…

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Tomy Games leaflet

Tomy Games leaflet

Sometimes it’s the really small things that get me excited. Here’s a really small Tomy leaflet that I found on eBay. This thing is about the size of a credit card when you fold it up but it folds out into six times the size…

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Raleigh Vektar brochure – the toughest computer on two wheels!

Raleigh Vektar brochure – the toughest computer on two wheels!

I was a huge fan of Street Hawk and also a big BMX guy. So when Raleigh released the Vektar in 1985 it almost felt like you could have your very own Street Hawk style BMX! It was a BMX with a built in computer….

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Top Ten Eggs

Top Ten Eggs

As it’s Good Friday I thought it would be good to start Easter Weekend with a Top Ten of Eggs in pop culture. I thought it might be hard but there’s actually more than you think. What a classic TV show. Batshit crazy. The intro…

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Cereal Killer Cafe

Cereal Killer Cafe

I recently visited a cool, new cafe in London. The Cereal Killer Cafe, which opened a few months ago, specialises in retro and hard-to-find cereals. They import cereals from all round the world. As a fan of Nerd Lunch and cereal:geek and all things retro/geek/food…

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Retromash is 1 year old + Competition!

Retromash is 1 year old + Competition!

Oh how time files. Seems like only yesterday that I pressed the big red button to make live. It was a year ago today. I’m pretty pleased with how the first year has gone. We’ve been on Buzzfeed, been in two national UK newspapers…

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Top Ten Movie Posters

Top Ten Movie Posters

Movie posters can be simple, descriptive representations of the contents of the movie, or other times they can be works of art. I used to have several of the movie posters below on my bedroom wall and I used to also collect those postcard sized…

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