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Jurassic Park Soundtrack

Jurassic Park Soundtrack

In John Williams week of #Johnuary we are now at 1993. This was a big year for Williams as he scored both Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List. He won an oscar for the latter and so Jurassic Park often gets a little forgotten about by…

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Home Alone Soundtrack

Home Alone Soundtrack

After SpaceCamp, the next John Williams soundtrack we’re looking at for #Johnuary is Home Alone. We obviously looked at this film last week in John Hughes week. This is another film that I wouldn’t have necessarily have pegged as a vehicle for John Williams, but…

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SpaceCamp Soundtrack

SpaceCamp Soundtrack

Next up for John Wiliams week in #Johnuary is a film that many people might not have added to the list here, next to the likes of Jaws, Star Wars and Raiders. That film is SpaceCamp. I love this film though. A classic 80s story…

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E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

In John Williams week within #Johnuary we now move on to one of his best loved soundtracks. E.T the Extra-Terrestrial from 1982. Similar to Jaws and Star Wars, John Williams won the Oscar, Golden Globe, Grammy and BAFTA in the same year for the E.T….

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Raiders of the Lost Ark Soundtrack

Raiders of the Lost Ark Soundtrack

In our John Williams week within #Johnuary, we are currently right in the midst of his peak period between 1975 and 1983. The next film to look at is the 1981 classic, Raiders of the Lost Ark. This film was a collaboration between Steven Spielberg…

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Superman Soundtrack

Superman Soundtrack

Next up in our look at the work of John Williams for #Johnuary is his work on the soundtrack for the 1978 Superman film. Interestingly Williams chose not to score the sequels, but many elements from his score for Superman have been used for every…

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Close Encounters of the Third Kind Soundtrack

Close Encounters of the Third Kind Soundtrack

The next John Williams score that we look at for #Johnuary is Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Williams was nominated for the Oscar for both Star Wars and Close Encounters in the same year. He won for Star Wars. I bet he wishes one…

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Star Wars Soundtrack

Star Wars Soundtrack

We’ve been looking at the work of John Williams in the last week of #Johnuary and now we come on to the big one. Star Wars. To be quite honest I could easily spend a whole week just looking at the soundtracks of all the…

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Jaws Soundtrack

Jaws Soundtrack

My next blog post about John Williams, as part of #Johnuary, finds us moving on to Jaws. A film that would send John Williams’ career on to the next level. Allegedly when John Williams first showed Steven Spielberg the two note leitmotif, on the piano,…

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The Towering Inferno Soundtrack

The Towering Inferno Soundtrack

Next up for John Williams, in our month of #Johnuary, is his next big movie score which happened to be the next big disaster hit from Irwin Allen again – The Towering Inferno. This is such a classic movie. An absolutely fantastic film with a…

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