Call of Duty is undoubtedly going to go down as one of the most influential games in history. It has made such an impact culturally and financially. The first release back in 2003 almost feels retro now, it’s been around for that long. But we’re not just about retro games here anyway, we do like to look at modern gaming too from time to time. The recent COD Warzone free-to-play version has been popular, but it can be frustrating if you don’t use all the available tactics to win the game.

If you win, you will still battle it out with the previous enemy. This whole situation means that you have to use tricks, tactics and even cheats to become the victor. This article will discuss some of the tips you can use to become a pro in COD Warzone. Here are 7 tips.
1. Know your Loadouts
When playing COD Warzone, your Loadouts, and that of your enemy, are the same. If you don’t understand your Loadouts well, the enemy can defeat you easily. Being familiar with the Loadouts gives you an advantage on the battlefield. However, you should not only know the Loadouts but also understand how to use them. There are two pieces of equipment available in this game: the throwing knife and stim. The knife helps you kill the enemy, while the stim will help regain your health while also giving you more life to fight in the Gulag.
2. Beware of Your Health
Your health in this game is very important. The more it deteriorates, the higher your chances of losing the game. In Call of Duty Warzone you only have one life. This means if you rush towards your enemy, you will become an easy target. It is important to be checking your health while moving closer to your enemies to avoid losing your life. Any miscalculated move will make you lose the game in the first stages. Fortunately for this game, you will just be sent to Gulag. In this phase, you will fight with another enemy, and when you win, you regain your initial life and position. When you lose in Gulag, you also lose the game.
3. Use Cheats
Sometimes there is a time and a place to use cheats to your advantage. Game cheats are the various unofficial methods that can give you an advantage over your enemy. It can help you see the enemy, or kill them before they invade you. Cheats are used to make the games easier, and can be especially beneficial to individuals that are still learning the game. The gaming experts behind I Like Cheats point out that every video game has its cheats. Call of Duty isn’t an exception. You can find the right cheats to help you out and improve your skills. Many consider it like a training session.
4. Be Strategic in Overtime
When the game is on overtime, you can easily grab the flag and use it against your enemy. A flag is a powerful tool that gives you a competitive advantage. You can use the flag as a bait to attract the enemy or as an object that can help you move forwards faster without being visible to the enemy. You also need to check whether your enemy is using the flag and play by the rules. The flag will either help you attract the enemy and kill them or help you notice the enemy.

5. Take Risks in Tiebreaker
One of the most interesting things in the Warzone game is the tiebreaker. It enables all the players to die if no-one takes damage at a given time. This means you can make a move quickly, and take the damage before you are all rendered dead. However, when making this step one needs to be careful. The enemy can spot you, make a move, and kill you. This will make them win the game.
6. Understand Your Maps
As previously mentioned, after you are killed in the main game, you enter the Gulag and face another enemy. Killing this enemy makes you return to the main game. The fighting in the Gulag takes place in three warzones. These are Variant one, two, and three. These warzones differ slightly, and one might have an advantage over the other. It’s important to know all the maps and how they will become advantageous to your playing style. Failing to know them better might make you get killed and lose the game.
7. Do Not Wait Until it Reaches Your Turn
The game allows you to get involved even when it’s not your turn to play—playing before your time gives you an advantage over the enemy. You can take steps on the balcony, pick up rocks and use them to hit your enemies, which reduce their lives. You then need to hit them once during your play and win the game.
Other than the above tips, like any game it helps if you practice a lot to become better. You can practice gunfight in the multiplayer, which helps to improve your skills for when you find yourself in the Gulag. You can also practice the aforementioned cheats and familiarize yourself with the all weapons and hone your skills for your proper matchups. Either way, practice makes perfect. Good luck with your next game!