First of all a quick summary of the story up until now… I loved this poster in my youth. I stared at it every day in my bedroom for about ten years. As with most things, however, it got lost or thrown out over the years. I’ve been trying to replace it for years but couldn’t find another one. I finally found one being sold on eBay from a guy in California. I paid £90 for it including postage. Now the story develops…
A few months ago I was contacted by another person from California. A different person. Just very random that he was in California too. An extremely helpful gentleman called Ken, who is a screenplay writer. He had another copy of the poster and was looking to sell it. He had seen my blog post and was curious as to how much I paid for it, because he was wanting to work out how much he could sell it for. This sparked a discussion between myself and Ken. He decided not to sell the poster in the end, and he also did some research into the artist, Keith Harmer, and found his email address. He contacted Keith and let him know about my blog post. The next thing I know I was emailed by the artist, Keith Harmer, saying that he enjoyed reading the blog post and that if I was ever in his neighbourhood he would be very happy to sign my poster. Well, how can I refuse an offer like that!
It just so happened that I was attending a friend’s wedding a few days ago only about an hour’s drive from where Keith lives. So I had arranged to pop round to see Keith on the way home from the wedding. My wife and I were lucky enough to meet Keith and heard a few stories about the origins of the artwork.
- I asked him about how the job came about. He said his agent, Archer Art, was approached by Athena for a series of airbrushed pictures of cars. There were actually five in the series: the other four were a Ferrari 512 Berlinetta Boxer, a Porsche 911 Turbo, a Rolls Royce Corniche and a Vector W2 (which I’d actually never heard of before). You can see these other posters at the bottom of the post.
- Keith had previously been painting a lot of cutaway cars for car manuals or magazines.
- The original artwork of the Lamborghini was about A3 size and was blown up for the poster. That’s why there’s a bit of graininess in the poster.
- The Lamborghini poster sold more than any other Athena poster at the time. That’s no mean feat.
- After doing the poster he actually bought himself a black Lamborghini, just like the one in the poster, (although actually a 5000QV model) which he used to drive regularly to work. He bought it in a not so great condition and refurbished it himself (I’ve learnt that Keith is great with cars, having refurbished this Lamborghini and also putting together a Ferrari replica by himself). He later sold this black Lamborghini, along with the original artwork for the poster. There are photos of the car at the bottom of this post.
- Portman Garages were the garage that owned the car that was used as the model for the photo. That car was red, but Athena wanted the colour changed to black for the poster.
- When I asked Keith if he painted the lamborghini from any reference material he said “Wait one second, I’ve got a present for you”. When he came back into the room he showed me the original photograph that he used as reference material for his artwork. Not only this but he said I could keep the photo! I was blown away. What an amazing and unique piece of history for this poster. This is the photo that Keith took of the car, when he was allowed a full day with the car to make notes for the poster. He took lots of other reference photos for the details, but this photo is the main angle that he used for the poster. I feel very privileged to own that piece of the story. Below you can see an image comparison of the photograph and the poster.
Here you can compare the two pictures by sliding the bar…
All of the text at the bottom of the poster has now been explained.
Keith also signed the poster which was very generous of him as he said it was the only one that he has ever signed. This obviously makes my poster that little bit more unique and special. I’m going to have to get a better frame for it now as the one I’m using just now is a bit flimsy. And I’m thinking of putting the original photo of the red Lamborghini in the frame too, at the bottom left.
I’d like to say a huge thank you first of all to Ken in California for initiating the research and for making contact with Keith. Without Ken’s involvement this meet up would never have happened. Thank you very much indeed, Ken.
And now onto Keith Harmer. It was great to meet Keith. He was a true gent and I can’t thank him enough for inviting us into his home, signing the poster and generously giving me the original photograph. The poster will hang even more proudly on my wall now. A massive thank you Keith.
Here are some other pics of Keith’s black Lamborghini that he bought after he did the poster.
And here is the full set of posters that Keith painted in the series. I bought these postcard versions of the posters off eBay.

Sep 9, 2017 -
A truly amazing story and what a pleasure to read. It would make a really great screenplay/film — one of those quiet beautiful English films… AND, you are most very welcome mate!! So happy to have played a role in this production of life :)
Sep 11, 2017 -
Thanks again Ken!
Jun 12, 2019 -
hey buddy,
i’ve got a couple of questions for you on this.
could i email you?
Sep 26, 2017 -
Great to hear that Keith actually got to buy his own Lamborghini. It looks even more futuristic with the doors open. I could imagine Batman trading in the Batmobile for one.
Oct 27, 2017 -
Oh my days! Keith is my dad and I absolutely love this story.
I’d love to have copies of the posters, I’ll have to get searching.
Oct 28, 2017 -
Hi Catherine. That’s great! I hope you manage to get hold of some of the posters. Unfortunately they’re pretty hard to get hold of these days. Well worth the hunt though!
Rolland woods
Mar 11, 2018 -
Hello Catherine. My names Rolland woods. Please rad my comment below as I found a mint condition still in the original tube of this awesome poster. My wife’s uncle passed away and the family had me go take care of his things as I have such love for collecting. Nice to meet everyone here and I love this article.
Michael Williamson
Mar 22, 2019 -
I have a framed Athena print
of the Lamborghini and the
Ferrari,also. framed.
The frame is like a shiny
Aluminium.very suited to the
The prints have never been out
Of the frame.They were framed
In 1984.(mint)
Ian jacobs
Nov 14, 2017 -
I went to Preston Manor school with Keith, how’s it going Keith. Ian J now living in NZ
Feb 1, 2018 -
As of this date, my copy of Keith’s airbrushed Lamborghini Countach 5000S Poster is selling on eBay at $2,500 or best offer. Ships free within the 50 United States. If you are in the UK and would like to purchase, message me and I’ll make the Poster available for International Buyers. Peace.
I really want to find out more info about this London Transport statue from the early 80s | Retromash
Feb 6, 2018 -
[…] image and one that hugely brings back my childhood to me the second I look at it (a bit like my Lamborghini Countach poster). I’d also love to know more about the actual sculpture itself and the artist who made it. I […]
Rolland woods
Mar 11, 2018 -
My wife’s uncle passed away and the family asked me to come and see his things as he was a collector like me. And I was in heaven. I won’t get into all the vintage rare vinyl records or Marshall vintage amps and guitars. But I have some thing that may be a one of a kind. It’s the exact same poster above in mint condition still in the original tube it was purchased in. It’s in beautiful condition. If anyone wants to see it make contact with me. It may be the only one left in this condition still in its poster tube and even still has the original black piece to hang it on the wall. My name is Rolland woods and if interested even just to see it I can leave my number. Thank you and I’m glad you found a copy of it.
Mar 14, 2018 -
Hey mate!! Have not been here in a while, however the times they are a changin’. Mr Rolland Woods contacted me on eBay about his Countach poster and asked for help determining its value (much as I contacted you :) So, it seems the story continues!! My eBay ad uses a lot of your information, and I certainly hope you do not mind. I should have asked first. If you have any objections, let me know and I’ll change the ad. Price of poster has been reduced to $2,250 or best offer. I’m quite flexible on price — willing to consider most any offer. Shipping is FREE to the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, and of course the 50 United States. Keep up the great work ’cause RetroMASH ROCKS!! Peace… P.S. I’ll be back another time with information on some very cool retro swag like an original Atari “Heavy Sixer” console AND a framed 60-pin Coca-Cola/Disney World framed set, both of which will be placed on eBay within the next few months. My eBay contact is: kenzenartist
Jul 4, 2018 -
Great read here…love the Lamborghini poster but really interested in finding a new copy of the vector poster. Does anyone have a new copy available? I bought one on eBay a couple months ago for $50 but it had some wrinkles and I’m looking for a new one. Willing to pay $75 for a mint copy. Hope to hear from anyone, my email is [email protected]
My Top 5 Dream Cars | Retromash
Jul 18, 2019 -
[…] saw the Cannonball Run or had the above Athena poster on my wall. Read about how I tracked down and met the artist who painted that amazing poster. And I also made this Top Ten list of Lamborghini Countachs which is worth a read. I’d love […]
James furr
Sep 18, 2019 -
I kinda got to chuckle. I have that poster and had it since i was a little kid. Odd thing is is made to wooden board. Looks like it was sold that way.
Mark Roberts
Oct 4, 2019 -
I have an original new old stock (still sealed) copy of the 5000 S poster I’m willing to sell for the right price.
Feel free to email me any serious offers [email protected]
Michael Williamson
Feb 23, 2020 -
Framed and glazed prints,of the Lamborghini
Countach 500s.And Ferrari Berlinetta Boxer 512
Are going in the March collectibles auction at
Hansons Etwall Derby.
Steve Herridge
Jun 30, 2020 -
Great read.
I had the Lambo poster and A4, I think they were, versions of the Porsche and Ferrari, as a kid.
Years laters Keith lectured at our collect 1 day a week, to teach us Airbrushing skills. Great guy and a super skilled artist.
Jul 1, 2020 -
That’s fantastic Steve. I am very jealous that you got airbrushing lessons from Keith. Thanks for sharing.
Nick Toms
Mar 14, 2021 -
Keith purchased the Countach from me!!
Mar 15, 2021 -
Hi Nick. Keith purchased the black Countach from you? Fantastic. It’s a beautiful car.
Nick Toms
Mar 15, 2021 -
He did indeed. Year 2000. Thank you.
Phil Evans
May 28, 2021 -
Great story,
I was an airbrush artist in the eighties and was fortunate to have met Keith when he visited our agents office in Amsterdam. I had just started in the business and he was already a big name by then. I quizzed him on what materials he used, etc, as technical illustrators we were always trying to improve our techniques.
I am interested in contacting him if you feel at liberty to share his contact details privately;)
Nov 10, 2021 -
Hi I’m Keith’s son if you’re still interested in contacting Keith
[email protected]
Nov 10, 2021 -
Hi I’m Keith’s son if you’re still interested in contacting Keith
[email protected]
Dec 29, 2021 -
I am pretty sure I have this poster..had it since new when I brought it back in the early 80’s. I have a number of Lambo posters from the era…Red one and white ones..Not looked at them since moving 15 years ago. Not sure of the condition….been a Lambo fan since seeing one in the “Observers Book of Cars”..was mid late 70’s…(which I still have…somewhere). Hever though about how much it might be worth..
Myles Talbot
Feb 20, 2022 -
I had the pleasure of working for Keith (over a long weekend, circa 1988/89) as a student from Blackpool College, due to a connection with Tom Liddell. Me and Greg did the night shift for Keith, while Keith did the dayshift, and his studio was a really cool basement with original airbrush art on the walls which were fascinating to study. His artist seat was a leather and chrome retro barbers chair, which was also very cool. We even stayed at Keiths house while we completed the commission which had a very tight deadline. Keith was absolutely lovely and very welcoming – a really nice chap! He was also very trusting to leave two students in his studio overnight! All I can say was, it was really exciting moment in time for me and a great memory to keep. He was a very inspirational influence, as was Tom. Over 30 years later I’m still freelancing as an illustrator, and hope to be for another 20 years…
Keith Harmer
Jun 23, 2022 -
Myles, I haven’t visited this site for a while but I have just read your post. I’m delighted that I helped to inspire you in some small way and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your very kind words and for the exceptional work you did for me back then.
I love to hear from students from the past, like yourself and Steve Herridge and I’m absolutely delighted that you are still illustrating for a living! We’ll done buddy, keep it up!
I’ve retired to South West France now and enjoy a quite sedentary lifestyle but they can’t take your memories away from you, can they.
Nigel Haines
Sep 11, 2024 -
I went to school with Keith and am trying to contact him
If you are still in contact with him please pass on my email address
+ 0.75551604 BTC.GET –
Jan 31, 2025 -