The Last Starfighter

Name: The Last Starfighter Year: 1984 Distributor: Universal Pictures Director: Nick Castle Country of origin: USA Category: Movies Notes: Alex Rogan, a kid who gets discovered playing an arcade game and chosen to pilot a starship and fight in a Galactic war. What young boy…

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Name: Pow-R-Trons Manufacturer: ERTL Year: 1985 Country of origin: USA Category: Toys & Games Tags: Knight Rider Notes: Fun little Transformers-esque toys from ERTL. The car drives along and then when it hits a wall it transforms into a robot and starts going back the…

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Name: ThunderCats Year: 1985 Seasons: 4 Episodes: 130 Country of origin: USA Category: Cartoons Notes: I’ve got great memories of this cartoon from back in the 80s. Characters such as Lion-O, Tygra, Panthro, Cheetara, WilyKit, WilyKat, Snarf, Slithe and of course Mumm-Ra. Some people say…

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Commando comics

Name: Commando comics Publisher: D.C. Thomson & Co. Year: 1961 Country of origin: UK Category: Books, Comics, Mags Notes: I always liked the format of these comics. Nice pocket size and always very well bound. Very tactile. And great war stories and ‘ripping yarns’. A…

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The Incredible Hulk

Name: The Incredible Hulk Year: 1978 Seasons: 5 Episodes: 82 Country of origin: USA Category: TV Shows Tags: Marvel Notes: Great show starring Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno as the opposite ends of the Hulk scale. A very well-made and often poignant look at the…

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Name: Tetris Made by: Nintendo Year: 1989 (Game Boy) Country of origin: Russia Category: Video Games Tags: Nintendo Notes: The game that everybody had for the Game Boy. Mainly because it came bundled with most boxes of the handheld device! But this really was the…

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The Fall Guy annual

Name: The Fall Guy annual Publisher: Grandreams Year: 1981 Country of publication: UK Category: Books, Comics, Mags Tags: The Fall Guy Notes: I love annuals like this. And I love The Fall Guy. So a Fall Guy annual is pretty cool. Some nice big colour…

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Cassette recorders

Name: Cassette recorders Category: Gadgets Notes: This is an iconic and revolutionary gadget of the 70s and 80s. The ability to carry around a small cassette recorder and record audio was incredible at the time. My main memory of cassette recorders is using them to…

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Name: Ghostbusters Year: 1984 Distributer: Columbia Pictures Director: Ivan Reitman Country of origin: USA Category: Movies Tags: Ghostbusters Notes: One of the most iconic movies from the 80s and one that has a huge cult following. I can remember sitting in the cinema in 1984…

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Bon Jovi – Livin’ on a Prayer

Song: Bon Jovi – Livin’ on a Prayer Album: Slippery When Wet Year: 1986 Label: Mercury Country of origin: USA Category: Music Tags: Mercury Notes: This is probably one of the main 80s anthems. I can still remember playing this round my mate’s house with…

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