I’ve always loved magic. I’m the kind of person, like a lot of us, that is always trying to catch the magician out. Trying to work out how they did the illusion. Magicians are tricksters and I’ve always wanted to try to unravel the tricksters….
I’ve always loved magic. I’m the kind of person, like a lot of us, that is always trying to catch the magician out. Trying to work out how they did the illusion. Magicians are tricksters and I’ve always wanted to try to unravel the tricksters….
News just in. The new Ghostbusters film is not terrible. I don’t hate it. It has not ruined my childhood. Many of the ‘Ghostbros’, as they have been named, may be surprised by that. But it’s true. Despite all the negativity surrounding this particular reboot,…
Masters of the Universe is without doubt one of my favourite properties of the 80s. It’s possibly the thing I am most nostalgic about from my childhood. One of my most vivid memories from my youth is of playing with my He-Man and Skeletor action…
One thing that always ends up being a challenge to any adult collector is storage space. Money obviously is a big factor too but there’s always ways to get some stuff really cheaply from car boot sales or charity shops etc. But, unless you live…
I’ve wanted to do a video/stop motion GIF for a while now but I just hadn’t decided what to do it on. I was scanning round my office and my eyes fell on my Man-E-Faces figure and it just seemed like a no brainer. Simple…
Having an arcade cabinet in my home has been a goal of mine for many years. I’m not the kind of person to want things like flash cars or a big mansion house. I just want a happy marriage and healthy kids, both of which…
When I started this project I really didn’t know what I was going to end up with. I was taking a gamble as I didn’t have much experience making physical things with my hands. All in all I am extremely pleased, nay over the moon,…
The cabinet is all built, the electronics are all working, so it’s now just a matter of setting up the Raspberry Pi with the correct software and games. I’ll be totally honest and say that I ended up having this done for me. Not because…
For this post about the electronics, I’m going to cover everything including the joysticks, buttons, all the wiring, the power in general and just how everything works. I really don’t have too much experience with electrical wiring etc but my neighbour is an electrician so…
The marquee was another area that I had problems researching how other people had done it, and the arcades that I saw down our local seafront all seemed to be made in different ways. So I kind of had to work out for myself how…