Retromash Home - page 66

Dark Star

Dark Star

If you haven’t already, please check out my post from yesterday explaining everything about #Johnuary. This was certainly an interesting introduction to John Carpenter. Very much what some would call a student film. Very low budget, no recognisable actors and some pretty poor effects. But…

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Johnuary: John Carpenter

Johnuary: John Carpenter

If you haven’t already, please check out my post from yesterday explaining everything about #Johnuary. John Carpenter Before I started Johnuary, I knew the name John Carpenter, but the only film I really knew that was his was The Thing. It helps that he puts…

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Johnuary: A month of Johns

Johnuary: A month of Johns

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the festivities. As the new year begins I wanted to start how I mean to go on. With lots of blog posts and a fun theme. So without further ado, welcome to JOHNUARY! Throughout my life I…

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story review

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story review

I’m writing this very late on Thursday 15th August 2016 having just come out of the cinema to see Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Firstly I will say that this review is VERY SPOILERIFIC, so don’t read on if you haven’t seen the film….

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Top Ten Star Wars Sounds

Top Ten Star Wars Sounds

As it is only a couple of days before Rogue One comes out, I wanted to show a bit of Star Wars love on the blog this week. One thing I remember from the first Rogue One trailer was the iconic Death Star battle siren…

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This is some pretty cool retro wallpaper

This is some pretty cool retro wallpaper

I get a lot of offers for sponsored posts, which I normally refuse as often the products aren’t totally relevant for my site or I just don’t like the product. But I’m not against the idea of a sponsored post at all, because it obviously…

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Retro quiz shows that live on in different ways

Retro quiz shows that live on in different ways

There were so many quiz shows back in the 80s that I absolutely loved watching. They were a big part of my TV schedule when I was younger. Particularly the list below, but also loads more. Sadly most of them had to come to an…

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The Retromash Advent Calendar is all ready for December

The Retromash Advent Calendar is all ready for December

It’s that time of year again folks. The Retromash Advent Calendar is live. Check it out over the month of December to see presents and Christmas stocking fillers from yesteryear, all from the pages of the 1988 Autumn/Winter Argos catalogue. After Optimus Prime and He-Man…

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Weird real life retro analogies

Weird real life retro analogies

I do sometimes think I have a bit of a sickness. Maybe it’s just a retro obsession. But when I’m doing the most random things it can remind me of something retro related which almost uses a similar skill. Maybe I’m just trying to convince…

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Top Ten Scottish TV Ads

Top Ten Scottish TV Ads

Nowadays we can all just skip past television adverts, but back in the 80s you couldn’t, and because they were on so often they really are a snapshot of our lives that can evoke so many memories. Many adverts became cultural touchpoints; just look at…

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