I got this Masters of the Universe photo spread off eBay. Not sure what magazine it’s from but it’s definitely from the UK because of the currency. The He-Man figures were only £2.65 each! Judging from the figures on sale I think it must be…
I got this Masters of the Universe photo spread off eBay. Not sure what magazine it’s from but it’s definitely from the UK because of the currency. The He-Man figures were only £2.65 each! Judging from the figures on sale I think it must be…
Who remembers Action Transfers? The interactive rub down experience where you could create your own vignettes of your favourite 80s franchise. “Make the action come alive!”. I personally used to love them. You could even create some custom characters, for example by transferring Skeletor’s body…
This is a double page Masters of the Universe spread from an unknown UK catalogue. The brochure is about A5 size so the double page spread is A4. Judging by the toys on sale it might be around 1983 or 1984.
Miscellaneous Masters of the Universe poster. About A1 size. Judging by the figures it’s very early, so probably 1981 or 1982.
When I first had children, I wondered what sort of things they would like growing up. What would spark their imagination and get their passion ignited. I started thinking back to my own childhood in the 80s and all the things I enjoyed. Saturday morning…
My James Bond Challenge continues with Goldfinger, the seventh Bond novel written by Ian Fleming, published in 1959. I have to say I am thoroughly enjoying all these novels. Fleming is really impressing me as a writer, in terms of his actual descriptions. It’s interesting that he…
Anyone who knows me, knows that I love a good catalogue. Particularly a toy catalogue and especially a Christmas toy catalogue. I’ve got possibly the biggest online collection, and one of the biggest physical collections, of Argos catalogues. I just love them. I think old…
I remember when my children were very young, I couldn’t wait to watch all my old retro cartoons with them that I loved as a kid. My son’s second word was ‘Skeletor’, would you believe, so obviously they were growing up in a retro collector’s…
If you haven’t heard yet, it’s the season of the reboot or the reawakening, with classic franchise Lethal Weapon likely to get a new sequel. Anything that was once popular is likely fodder for the 2020 remodelling or rebirthing. Movies, TV shows and video games…
They say that music and smell can be the best triggers of nostalgia. I find that to be absolutely true. You can check out my Top Ten Nostalgia Songs that I previously listed, but today I wanted to go through the smells that trigger memories…