Well that’s it. The end of #Johnuary 2017. 31 days and 67 posts later. It’s been a blast.
I’ve looked at the work of four Johns. John Carpenter, John Barry, John Hughes and John Williams. All of them legends. I’ve watched some truly fantastic movies and listened to some incredible music. And I’ve also learnt a lot of facts about the individuals themselves that I never knew. I’ve made myself now want to delve deeper and listen to some DVD commentaries and watch some documentaries. Watch this space.
Here is the link to view all the Johnuary posts.
The #Johnuary idea basically started because I realised I had a pretty embarrassing gap in my retro experience. I certainly knew about John Carpenter and John Hughes but I had only seen a few of their movies and I didn’t really feel that I knew them as directors at all. And although I knew John Barry and John Williams’ work pretty well I for some reason just kept getting their names mixed up. I’m sure everyone has some embarrassing gaps in their retro knowledge, and I’m a guy who likes to have a wide range of knowledge spanning lots of genres and areas but I don’t always have the same depth of knowledge in one particular area as other people do. A retro jack of all trades if you will. But I still knew I had to fill this gap that I had and so I thought Johnuary would be a good way to do that.
It’s been fun and I hope you enjoyed some of the articles along the way. In retrospect I could have planned it slightly better as I think John Carpenter’s birthday actually fell in the middle of my John Barry week, and I also heard, after the event, that there had been a London Philharmonic Orchestra concert of John Williams movie scores in the town that I live in the week before I did John Williams week, and I never knew about it. Doh! I’m determined to look out for a John Williams concert again though, hopefully in the Royal Albert Hall. And I’m also going to keep my eyes pealed to watch a John Carpenter movie on the big screen.
Right, I’m going to take the rest of the month off. See you in #Freduary! (just kidding)