Some people find that, even if they used to read constantly when they were younger, picking up a book simply doesn’t have the same draw that it once had. There are a few reasons for it, but often it’s just that it’s too easy to get distracted from a book.
Video games and films are easier to engage with, even if they don’t always draw you into a world in the same way. With most books, it takes a bit of time to get hooked.
Whatever the reason, it’s a shame to think that such a great and accessible hobby could be lost. So, here are a few ways to rediscover your love of reading.
The Benefits of Reading
When you read a novel, you’re drawn into someone else’s world and characters. This broadens your worldview, because even though you look at it through your eyes, some of it is from their perspective.
You can learn so much from fiction and nonfiction books alike. This includes new words, facts about science and history, methods for doing things, and how to express yourself. Books can make you laugh, they can make you cry, and they can even make you terrified to sleep at night.
If you like writing, then reading is one of the best ways to improve your craft. You expose yourself to more ideas and ways to express those ideas.
Try New Authors and Genres
Sometimes reading gets stale, and the only way to switch it up is to change what you read. We all have favorite genres and authors, but this can be limiting. After all, reading is about immersing yourself in different worlds from different minds.
So, if you love sci-fi, read a classic romance novel. If you like historical fiction, try a modern thriller. If you like mystery and crime novels, try a high fantasy epic.
Research upcoming authors like JD Barker who has already established himself as a great novelist and is constantly working on new projects that might just grab your interest.
Consider picking up a random book from a second hand store or a bookstore. It’s risky, but it might be wonderful.
Reading Groups and Clubs
Another great way to get into reading is by talking to other people who love it. Reading is, by nature, a solitary activity. But not necessarily.
Everyone has different takes from books and, the wonderful thing about literature is that none of those takes are necessarily wrong. So as well as reading and picking up your own ideas, find ways to talk about those ideas with other people. Maybe they’ll agree with you, maybe they won’t.
Reading groups and book clubs can also introduce you to new books and authors. You can either talk to your friends about setting one up, or you can find an online book club to either introduce yourself to new novels or to get back into old favorites.
You may find that you read even more than you used to.