It’s always exciting when another book from Bitmap Books drops through the letterbox. This time it’s the turn of the Atari 2600/7800 to get the Bitmap Books treatment.

I’m a bit of a fanboy of Bitmap Books. I’ve got all their Visual Compendiums, as you can see below. I love seeing this collection grow. Here is a review of the previous SNES book that I wrote on the blog. There are a few books I’ve not managed to pick up yet, such as the Metal Slug one and the Point & Click adventures one, but I did pick up the recent Micro Machines one which you will see reviewed on this site very soon.

This Atari 2600/7800 edition is just more of the same awesomeness. As the Bitmap Books website says, “Atari 2600/7800: a visual compendium aims to showcase the very best pixel art, cover art and product design on each system. Spread over 528 pages, it features over 200 classic games, with articles on the leading third-party developers, interviews with key figures in the industry and features on subjects, such as cover art, prototypes and homebrew releases. ” I couldn’t have said it better myself. Once again the artwork, layout and print quality is all absolutely gorgeous. And once again I got it with the lenticular cover, because why not.
Here are some higher quality photos taken from the Bitmap Books website.
Check out more information about the Atari book on the Bitmap Books website. Here’s to the next visual compendium!
May 31, 2020 -
Does it include ET ?
Available from a landfill in New Mexico ;-)
Jun 10, 2020 -
Ha. It certainly does!
William Mortimore
Dec 31, 2023 -
I hope Bitmap books puts out an Atari 8-bit compendium, as well as an Atari ST compendium. It seems strange they haven’t done that yet.